Thursday, October 22, 2009

Eagle Pose

When I first started practicing Bikram Yoga, Eagle Pose was beyond my ability to the point of thinking that I would never be able to do it. I could not balance on one foot very well and I certainly could not get my foot wrapped around my calf muscle. Twisting my arms to the point of getting my hands together in prayer was laughable.

So these days when I practice I always think back to seven years ago when I thought this posture was unattainable. Because now it is one of my better postures.

As you bring your arms up over your head it is not necessary to bring you palms together. Just bring arms up and "WHOOSH" use momentum to wrap your arms together crossing at the elbows and wrists. Eventually, when your shoulders open up, your hands fingertips on both hands will align. Until that happens, interlace your fingers to pull your palms closer together. Hands are in close to the face, almost touching, with thumbs in toward your face, edge of the hands or pinkie fingers towards the mirror.

When I pull my elbows down, the next instruction, I feel a wonderful stretch in my upper back and shoulders. Keep pulling your elbows down.

Sit down! Stay!

Most people pop up as they wrap the legs. Try not to pop up at all. Then, the higher you bring your leg up the more you will be able to twist your legs.

Another instruction that I see people not doing in Awkward is the correction for balancing: "if you are loosing the balance, lean back more". It does work. If you are a little shaky, leaning back just a bit seems to stabilize the posture.

Here on day forty three of my challenge, Eagle Pose has deepened for me a little more. I can sit down a little more and lean back a bit more too creating a little arch in my lower back.


  1. Ah yes...Eagle pose is one of my absolute favorites (right now anyway...seems to change weekly!). This pose has always been fairly easy for me. I easily balance, wrap my legs and have all toes visible in the front mirror, knees and hips forward etc. The big challenge with this one for me is keeping my hands in prayer rather than interlacing the fingers. In my head I just think I will loose the pose if I go into prayer. Odd huh? Have to work on that! Second favorite would have to be tree pose/toe stand. I think I love that one because it almost has a calming effect before heading to the floor. Such a great posture. Have a great day!

  2. 43 days already? Damn, that went fast. (For me! Cause I'm not the one doing it!! HAHA.) New rule: you have to keep practicing every day until you've finished writing posts on all the postures.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hey Tracik, Thank you for telling us about how these postures affect your state of being. Like you I use toe stand as a preperation for savasana and the floor series. My daily practice is changing a lot of my experience though.


  5. Hey dancingJ, I absolutely intend to keep going, both here and in the hot room. I will keep going for a while after the 60 days without a stated number.

    However, yesterday, at the championships, I was talking with Maria and Megan. They are going to do a 100 day challeng starting on January 1 2010.

    Seem mathmatically appropriate 2010, 100 days:)

    Anyway, I jumped in with a big me too! I'm getting way too much out of this to stop now. Heck! I remembering why I got started with this stuff to beging with.

  6. Word! I'm in! How bout just doing 365 next year?! I did like 380 classes in 2008 and it was fabulous. I'm pretty behind this year, but I don't think I'll have any trouble hitting that mark in 2010, since I am expecting to do a week (or nine) or doubles at some point...

    J :) :) :)
